Personal Data Privacy

Data protection in Hong Kong is governed by the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, Cap. 486. This Ordinance deals with protection of privacy of individuals in relation to personal data. In other words, the scope of protection is confined to ‘information privacy’ only. The impact and legal effects on the ‘data subject’ and ‘data user’ come from the main body of the Ordinance, the six Data Protection Principles (DDPs) in Schedule 1 of the Ordinance and...
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Money Laundering

Money laundering is criminal offence under the Laws of Hong Kong. Under section 25(1) of the Drug Trafficking (Recovery of Proceeds) Ordinance, Cap. 405 and section 25(1) of the Organized and Serious Crimes Ordinance, Cap. 455, money laundering is an offence for a person who, knowing or having reasonable grounds to believe that any property in whole or in part directly or indirectly represents any person’s proceeds of drug trafficking or an indictable offence, deals...
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Probate – Caveats

Rule 44 of Non-Contentious Probate Rules states that : Any person who wishes to ensure that no grant is sealed without notice to himself may enter a caveat in the Probate Registry. The caveat shall remain in force for 6 months....
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