Making a Will
Advantages :
♣ Simple and low cost;
♣ Contents of will is kept secret until the death of the testator.
Disadvantages :
♥ The interval time between date of making will and date of execution may be too long
if the will has not been revised and the wish of the testator may not be truly
reflected by the will upon his/her death;
♥ Executor may not fully comply with the wish of the testator in distribution of assets
♥ Beneficiaries may dispute on the terms of the will leading to litigation and the assets
cannot be distributed timely;
♥ Some beneficiaries may not have assets after losing in litigation.
Case :
Henry Fok’s family takes fortune fight back to court
Henry Fok Ying-tung ‘s multibillion-dollar estate is back in public eye in 2011 as son Benjamin Fok Chun-yue wants brother and aunt removed as executors despite settlement was reached a year ago.
Benjamin accuses his elder brother Ian Fok Chun-wan of withholding information that may affect the distribution of billions of dollars’ worth of assets. Benjamin asked the Court of First Instance to remove Ian, and an aunt as co-executors of his father’s multibillion-dollar estate – his second attempt at doing so.