Powers, Rights, Duties and Obligations of Personal Representatives

Personal representative of the deceased’s property has been vested with powers, rights, duties and obligations. Part V of Probate And Administration Ordinance states in details :

Section 54 states power of personal representative to dispose of deceased’s property;

Section 55 states purchase by personal representative of deceased’s property;


Section 56 states duty of personal representative as to deceased’s inventory;


Section 57 states protection of persons acting on probate or administration;


Section 58 states liability of a person fraudulent obtaining or retaining estate of deceased;


Section 59 states liability of estate of personal representative as to the waste or conversion to his own use of the deceased’s estate;


Section 60 states allowance of remuneration to executor, administrator or attorney;

No such remuneration shall exceed five per cent on the first one thousand dollars, two and a half per cent on the next four thousand dollars and one per cent on the balance of the gross value of all property of whatsoever nature administered.


Section 62 states duties of representatives;


Section 65 states contracts by personal representative;


Section 68 states powers of personal representative as to appropriation;

Section 69 states power to appoint trustees of infant’s property;

Section 70 states power of personal representative as to giving possession of land and powers of the court;


Section 71 states power to postpone distribution. A personal representative is not bound to distribute the estate of the deceased before the expiration of one year from the death.

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